My freind Louise...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My mom, A & I went to the Hospice center today to see our good friend Louise. She has lung cancer and is unable to be in her home anymore. She is/was our neighbor here. I met her when we first moved here 5 years ago. It's so depressing to see her in such a state. She is 74 years old. We're not sure how much longer she has to be with us. I felt awful because we hadn't been able to get down and see her since everyone was so sick. She looked good when we walked in and she was super excited to see us. We explained how sick everyone has been and that's the reason we hadn't been down to see her. She understood. I noticed as we were chatting her voices is so much lower it was hard to understand what she was saying sometimes. It make me so sad. I just don't understand why all the good ones get sick and leave us when all the horrible people are out and living life. It's just plain not fare.
This isn't Louise's first battle with cancer either. She had lung cancer ones & the removal of a 1/4 of one of her lungs. She had breast cancer & mastectomy of her right breast. Now this cancer in both lungs in multiple spots with no warning. She's so tired and weak and the cancer is so advanced there isn't anything that could be done except keeping her comfortable.
I don't want to loose my friend but fate is inevitable. I will be loosing her at some point in the near future. I can tell by looking at her that her life will soon be over and she will no longer be with us anymore. It breaks my heart. She fought cancer twice already and had been in remission for so long to have it come back so fast and with such a force. This time last year she was fairly healthy (at the age of 73) now to see her so weak and so thin and fragile. =(
Cancer just plain sucks! =( =(

~The ADD Housewife~

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