Well, it has been a long time!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sorry all for the lack of postings this summer. Time has gotten away from me. We've been busy with summer activities, trying to keep the kids busy and not at eachothers throats. School is almost upon us we have 1 week to go. Although it is a little bitter sweet to see them go off to school it will give me some time to get my house but it will give me some time to get my house back in order. L is going into the 6th grade at the big Middle school. Doesn't seem possable she's this old. C will be entering 2nd grade this year and little A will be a kindergardener! How fast they grow up! Hunnie and I got quite the surprise this summer though... In late Januray early Feburary will be welcoming baby #4 into our family. Yes folks that's right TheADDHousewife is expecting a baby! What a surprise to us as we though A- was going to be our last. Now that the shock has subsided we're starting to get excited. I have always loved new babies. They're so perfect. We have began gathering baby essentials a couple neighbors who have recently had babies have been passing down their outgrown things, which is a HUGE help, considering money is tight as it is. We're trying to figuer out where we will put this new baby. Being we live in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment as it is. Chances are good we will need to move into a bigger place. Which isn't all bad LOL It'd be wonderful to have some more room. Only problem is the price of apartments in the area is quite pricey. We will figure something out eventually though.
We got some sad news this past Sunday one of my Mama's borthers has passed away :( He was only 56 year young. Such a sad loss. We will have his funeral tomorrow and lay him to rest with my grandmother and grandfather on Saturday morning. My heart is broken for my cousin who have lost their Daddy far to young and to their little children who will only know their Pappa in stories. It never seems fare.
Other than that our summer has gone well. Lost of rain but quite a few nice days as well. We haven't been fishing as much as we'd like but the fishing season is still young and we hope to get more time in.
Now that the kids will all be in school and me with not much else to do I hope my blogging becomes more consistant. Untill then...


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