So much so little time.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I don't know how many times I sit down with my laptop wanting to write up a post but life side tracks me. It's either the kids calling or laundry getting done. It's so frusterating sometimes.
We had another upsetting weekend. We got a call about 10:30pm Friday night that Hunnie's Uncle passed away. He had Lou Gehrig's Disease he was diagnosed in early March and it took his life from him on Friday May 8th. Such a sad thing to have happen and to of taken him so quickly. His wife and children are handling it fairly well. We went to his services today which were very nice. Then over to his house where we sat and chatted with family we don't get to see very often and had snacks. Such a sad reason to get together with family. Hunnie & the kids took today off from work/school.
A, is having her FIRST sleepover tonight at my mother's house. I'm pretty unsettled about it but I haven't gotten a call yet to go pick her up so apparently it is going well. She will be starting kindergarden in the Fall so she needs to have a little time away from me seeing she has never been away from me before. She seems to ready but I am not there yet. Right now it's 11:21pm and I"m holding myself back from going and getting her lol. I'm awful, I know she is sound asleep safe and sound with my mother but it still hard.
Tomorrow I have a transition meeting for L to go into Jr. High. Honestly I'm not looking forward to her going into Jr. High next school year. It seems all my babies are growing up! :( I know they will all do fine but it's still so hard on a Mama watching her children grow up so fast. I wish there was a way to keep them little just a while longer.
Well I guess I should get off to bed before Hunnie wakes up and realizes I'm not there.
Hopfully my postings will get more regular as long as no other intruptions come up.

~ The ADD Housewife ~

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Unknown said...

So sad about your hubbie's uncle. Lou Gehrig's is so awful, many people suffer for years.
I've added you to the NE Bloggers roll call.
If you're a reader, stop by my blog this week. I'm giving away 2 really good books!